Event Schedule

  • 6-6:10PM EST: Opening Ceremony.

  • 6:10-8PM EST: Markets and games

  • 8:15-9PM EST: Original Play by the Obsidian Blades

What is the Celebration?

The turn of heavens have at last reached the Far East, gracing their shores with the presence ryū emerging from the bountiful wood! Within the mythos of Othard, Heavensturn became commonplace after a village fell victim annually to the dastardly creature called a 'Nian.' A brave soul guided this village to safety from the clutches of this beast in donning crimson hues and alighting loud firecrackers. Having witnessed this success of keeping the beast at bay, this ritualized practice soon swept across the lands in welcoming both the spring and warding against evils.Now, as myth becomes legend, Heavensturn of the East celebrates - per the lunisolar calendar - upon the rise of the Spring Moon. Known more commonly as the 'Lunar New Year,' this celebration lasts for its peoples for roughly seven suns. Come along and welcome the ryū's approach with tasty delights, wondrous sights, and giving that there Nian a joyous fright!


We have food, drinks, games and fortune tellers galore! The information is included below. Whether or not a stall accepts ic or ooc gil or hands out prizes is at their discretion.Vendors will be marked as looking to meld materia while they remain open.

Shops (Food, Items, etc.)

  • Stall: Briar's Mystics

  • Owner: Black Briar

  • Description: Yummy bentos, varieties of candies, delicious teas of all kinds, and lovely products to take home with you! Need some medicine because you hurt yourself, or maybe have a stomach ache? We got you covered!

  • Stall: Tsuki Traveling Traders

  • Owner: Lady Mara

  • Description: Selling mooncakes, specially brewed liquor, and more! (And fogweed)

  • Stall: The Marauder’s Bane

  • Owner: Faelyrian Thunderleaf

  • Description: Offering protection trinkets to protect you from your bad decisions!

  • Stall: Cafe Stuffed

  • Owner: Kisty Kit

  • Description: Stuffies toys and some baked goods!

  • Stall: Spearsong Distillery and Monster-Meals

  • Owner: Utayuu Rokuyari

  • Description: We serve aetherically enhanced Hingan whiskies and specially cooked enchanted bentos made of various monsters.